Evening lake in the forest

Captured on "Samsung Galaxy A54", 6 August 2023

Original file: JPEG (3.51 MiB)

License: CC BY-SA v4.0

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CvnekuRM1w0/

Lately I had discussion about foggy window photo with a person who taught me to take pictures, and they decided that I have a talent and my photos are better now than their. Of course, I’m glad to hear it, but I strongly disagree with this statement, because there are no standard of good photo and nobody can tell that one photo is better than another, because every person takes it based on their own point of view and every person captures in the photo their own feelings. In occasion, I may casually walk around Tbilisi and capture quick photos of everything I see (one day I wish to publish a story in this blog about it), but also I can spend many times in searching right place and right time to visit it at 6 o’clock in the morning for capturing dozens of photographs just to edit it in Adobe Lightroom to change them beyond recognition to the state of a picture painted by the hand by an artist. These two types of are incomparable, because I don’t put my soul in quick photos – it’s just for Instagram story, and definitely not for being putted on the wall in frame

My mentor, who taught me how to capture photos is more interested in photos of humans and their feelings, meanwhile I more prefer nature. I think it displays well why I think it’s impossible to compare two different photos. This is as incomparable as different styles of text presentation in different genres or different programming approaches depending on the language or architecture

The photography itself is not an art of modifying photos or talent, it’s a skill of viewing something perfect in ordinary window. Two people can look at the same window and see different compositions, different shades and colors. Nobody can’t tell that one point of view is better than another, because it based only on personal feelings which photographer try to show. Of course, if the picture is out of focus or contains part of someone’s leg it’s ruined picture, but if this stuff is a part of style or tells the story for viewer or perfectly composed, it’s undoubtedly an art

Finally, I would like to show you what the preview photo looked like before processing. I think it’s completely different photo, and it doesn’t even pretend to be an art. The photo on preview is how I felt this raw photo:

Original photo